Club membership is £12 per year, this helps us with the Insurances for the club, the website and email annual fees and admin, but anything we don't use is added to the Chestnut fund, members are defined as those who actively engage and participate in our various events, cruises and our Facebook group. We don't mind whether you currently have a mini or not, but you need to share our passion for this little car.
We believe the benefits of membership - such as being on club stands and being invited to special events like the Brighton Marathon Cavalcade - should be made available to those who are prepared to actively participate so please try to come to meetings, get involved, and help out in whatever way you can.
Main member must be 17 years or over. One fee payable per individual/family/household (persons sharing the same address). This entitles one car per fee to register for events that are members only e.g cavalcades or to be on club stands.
Print off and return the Membership form or for more info pop your details over to us on the form below and we'll contact you to get you signed up.